Monday, March 15, 2010

Forrest for a rest

Try to find the resting child between the trees.


niels kolkman said...

Wow how do you start with this image? Do you start with illustrator!

Groeten Niels Kolkman

Boris said...

Jip I start with Illustrator for the shapes. After this I switch to Photoshop for texturing, coloring, effects, etc.


niels kolkman said...

Is this also the kind of work you are going to show at your final exam. It really looks great, a style i never have seen before. I'm also doing a lot with vector but it is still to hard, in your work there is more feeling and it gives a kind of good feeling in the images..

groeten Niels Kolkman

Boris said...

Well thanks for your positive comment!
Right now I´m still struggling around between different techniques, but my final exam will definitely includes some parts of what you can see in this illustration.